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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Berlin Mayor Assures Residents Will Be Kept In Loop On Bay Club’s Future Plans

BERLIN – Mayor Gee Williams assured residents this week that in spite of rumors to the contrary the construction of a campground just outside town was not a “done deal.”

At Monday’s meeting of the Berlin Town Council, resident Cam Bunting, who owns a local real estate company, asked how officials felt about the Carl M. Freeman Companies’ proposal to turn the Bay Club on Libertytown Road into a campground. Williams stressed that town was still waiting for more information on the proposal.

“I keep hearing all these things have been decided,” Williams said. “Whoever is saying that doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about.”

The possibility of the golf course just outside town limits being turned into a campground has been a hot topic in Berlin since attorney Hugh Cropper shared the developer’s plans last year. In December, Cropper told the council his client was considering turning the 36-hole golf course into a 434-site rental campground.



  1. Maybe they should put a pig farm there, Then they would really have something to complain about.

  2. "Maybe they should put a pig farm there..."

    You are closer to the truth than you may realize. Do you remember the famous Ocean Pines Pig Farm at the north gate back in the 70's?

  3. He'll inform you when it's too late to do anything about it, like he did to the Newark residents when he built the sewer spray site on Five Mile Branch Rd. The town of Berlin pipes their "crap" all the way to Newark to be sprayed along the Pocomke River. Makes sense doesn't it??

  4. Did Berlin annex the golf course? If not doesn't matter what the town of Berlin thinks.

  5. Gee has a road to buy, doesn't he? Why bother with stuff outside city limits?

  6. Really? Small town politics and small minds. NIMBY's on the war path and those who pay get to play.

  7. G is no fool. With ties to SHA and the weathly family's in the area he knows darn well what's going on. He also knows what a boost to Berlin that would be.

  8. Gee is his way or highway
    Plenty of secret deals and council won't stand up to him
    Belittles and curses anyone who comes to town meeting to complain


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