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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Authorities express concerns over oxycodone pills laced with fentanyl

PIKESVILLE, Md. —The growing concern from forensic scientists and law enforcement officials alike in Maryland is that someone who actually needs oxycodone for a medical reason could take a laced pill.

So far, there have been three such situations in Maryland where the tainted pills have been found.

"If you're buying something off the street, you don't know what you're getting and what's in it," Anne Arundel County police spokesman Marc Limansky said.

It's a simple statement, but one that could save lives.

Since last year, Anne Arundel County police said there have been two occasions where police found oxycodone pills cut with the deadly opioid fentanyl.



  1. There's been 3 or 4 MD deaths where the heroin was cut with elephant tranquilizer.

  2. Anonymous said...
    There's been 3 or 4 MD deaths where the heroin was cut with elephant tranquilizer.

    May 25, 2017 at 9:12 PM

    I believe it's called Carfentanil. A cop overdosed on it after a bust. When he got back to his barrack a co-worker pointed out some that had gotten onto his uniform. The poor cop brushed it off with his unprotected hand and just that little bit was absorbed thru his hand and he od'ed. Thankfully they revived him with Narcan.

    That's how dangerous this crap is. Just touching it or inhaling it can be fatal.

    1. I picked up a handful placed them in a box. Felt high for about 3 min. Kinda sucked actually hoping a lot longer.


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