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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

'As Plain as the Sky Is Blue': Ex-Bill Clinton Adviser Says Economy Better Under Dems

A former campaign advisor to Bill Clinton said that it's "plain as the sky is blue" that the economy does better under Democratic administrations than Republican ones.

"It's sort of like the Harry Potter school of economics, frankly," Rosenberg said, adding that the Trump budget's proposed cuts will in large part hurt Trump voters.



  1. Omg I cant stop laughing!

  2. I know right 8:19! Even funnier is the democrat voter base is so ill informed they believe this nonsense. They are just incredible ignorant. The only reason the economy was decent under Clinton was ONLY because the GOP controlled Congress. Clinton had nothing to do with it.
    The same with the latest collapse. The fault lies exclusively on the back of the democrats no matter how many times Obama lied and blamed Bush. But again the ignoramuses who vote democrat don't know any better. Bush in fact warned the democrat controlled Congress to hold hearing because Fannie and Freddie weren't sustainable and democrat Barney Frank said their was no crisis with the 2 entities. Shortly after the mortgage crisis which cause the downturn in the economy. Everything bad that has happened to this country is the fault of the democrats. They have never contributed anything positive to society and that goes to the people who vote democrat also. All any of them are is useless eaters.

  3. Worse shape ever been in since Obama was president.

  4. Well I see they are STILL smoking and eating mushrooms. Have they checked the welfare of places like, oh I don't know, Baltimore or Detroit? Is Barney Frank still alive?

  5. Reagan was probably the best at turning the economy around for the better. Under Carter I was a newly wed with a young child. When my wife and I were looking to buy a house the interest rate on mortgages was at 18%. Yes that is right 18%. That is what I expected to pay on a credit card but not on a long term investment like a house. Then Reagan was elected and created millions of jobs and made our country prosperous again.

  6. Funny, the sky is no longer blue.
    It is grayish white. Look at the horizons.


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