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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Are We Suppose To Think This Is NORMAL? Because… I REFUSE!

When the LGBT lobby started advocating for gay marriage to be legalized, many people warned that it would lead to a slippery slope, with the institution of marriage becoming weakened and disrespected. Things like polygamy would be the next to move into the mainstream — and of course, liberals sneered at this argument. Think they’re still laughing now?

Adam Lyons is a British man who calls himself the luckiest man in the world. Why? Because he’s in a relationship with two women, and the three of them call themselves a “throuple”. They not only live together, but the three even sleep together, in one giant super-king sized bed. His two girlfriends, Jane Shalakhova and Brooke Shedd, somehow like this arrangement, too.

Lyons has already fathered children with Shedd, and now he’s expecting a baby with Shalakhova. And all three of them raise the children together. “It’s so sweet that we all get to parent and raise the kids together,” he said. “We have talked about it at length and we all consider ourselves parents to the children.”



  1. Sodom and Gomorrah

  2. Wait for it.
    Next we will have so called humans marring animals

  3. no, idiot...animals nor minors can consent. move on.

    1. Thats normal thinking, liberals are not normal. You need to get a clue.

  4. I don't have a problem with it, but the short haired chick looks to much like a dude.

    The blonde is sexy and hottt.

  5. Fantasy turned to reality. Well, if you can't beat'em might has well join'em!


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