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Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Viewer Writes: "Daily Dumbass"

Here is your Daily Dumbass. I take the family out to The Salisbury Mall and the parking lot is packed. So we ride around looking for a potential spot. I though I saw one until I got closer and saw this. Maybe if enough of these pictures get posted on your site people will be less likely to do ignorant stuff like this.


  1. Temp tag....Poor baby didn't want his / her new car to get dinged by some other dumbass's door.

  2. Somebody finally blew all their money buying a used boat. I park my car in the boonies if I don't want anyone next to me. I don't mind walking

  3. Too bad we can't get someone to run the plates so you can publish the DumbAss' names!

  4. This will stop when ignorant people like you quit slamming their doors or allowing their children to slam the doors into others cars creating dents and chipped paint. Some people like to try and keep their vehicles decent for as long as they can without damage from others ignorance.

    1. Really?..you are as dumb as the driver of that car.

    2. Dont you know people key dumbasses like this because of how they park. I would take my chances with the kids before parking like this.

  5. didn't want to get his/her new used car damaged.

  6. Dodge junk. Probably an ashtray of Newports right next to it

  7. 4:36
    They are free to park further away. That is what I always do. I don't have a single ding on my vehicle. Some of those parking spaces are small as it is and when you have some jerk that can't seem to park in the CENTER of the lines things happen. I don't take the risk. The police need to start ticketing these people for double parking. At one time there was a fine for this. Give the mall cops something to do and earn revenue for the mall. Im sure they could use the extra money.

    1. Private property. Parking laws do not apply, with the exception of handicapped spaces and fire lanes.

  8. Was in Hobby Lobby parking lot waiting for my wife and observed a family getting into their car. The cars were not tight but the children had a blast pushing their door into the brand new car next to them. The parents made no effort to do anything as their car was a piece of crap. Kids learn by example.

  9. Actually nice to know you the mall parking lot was packed. Good news for the economy.

  10. Daily dumbass now that's a good segment!

  11. I hate to say it but this jackass, loser selfish car parker is in the same class as the losers at grocery stores who are too lazy to put a grocery cart where it belongs but rather leaves it in an open parking space. This happens much more then Billy Bob taking up 2 spaces with his new Tonka toy. Both of them need to be punched in the throat.

    1. I do it all the time. You don't like it fight me I'm always ready and wanting to improve my fighting ability.

    2. If I didn't have to pay for your bamacare and to keep you at WCDC again that wouldn't be a bad idea but I carry so no need to fight

    3. So your going to shoot me for not taking a cart back and taking up to spots? Wow! Typical! I thought you were going to punch me in throat? Snowflake needs a hug.

    4. Take your meds make an appointment with your life coach after yoga class and you'll be fine until the next time things don't go your way. I'll by you a a trophy for participating looser

    5. 7:52. How classy you are! On top of being lazy! You really have a lot going for you!!!

    6. 7:52..how are we suppose to fight anonymous?

  12. 7:52 - Wow! Somebody's got a little temper. I guess mommy didn't give you enough hugs when you were a little baby or is it that time of the month for you? Keep parking your new 1989 Honda Civic however you want you big scary man/identifies as a dual parker. God's speed.

  13. 626 apparently you weren't hugged enough growing up geez. Try a yoga class! Punching a person in the throat over a shopping cart is extreme. Thanks

  14. Grocery Carts were NOT left in the parking lot as long as there was
    grocery boys to put your bags in your car. This is all because of $$.

  15. In my 20 years of driving and owning 6 cars/trucks, I've never had my vehicles dinged by doors in a parking lot lol. Never seen it happen either. Some people make this seem like a common occurrence but its not. I also worked at the outlets in Rehoboth when I was longer and we would stare out into the parking lots all day checking out girls and moms, never saw it happen.

    *que the naysayers*

  16. 10:59 Are you still living in 1950-1960? That world doesn't exist any more and never will again. Back then retail stores, gas stations, movie theaters, soda counters all hired local children. They were the children of the customers and other upstanding members of the community. You seen them at church every Sunday. People took pride in their homes, vehicles and appearance. Salisbury was the the crossroads of Delmarva. There were 2 malls on the eastern shore - Salisbury Mall and Blue Hen Mall. Most people drove to Salisbury. People avoid Salisbury now unless they are going to the GOB, courthouse or Walmart. The hospital and SU are the largest employers but on this blog everyone seems to hate both entities even though they put money in the hands of the most employees. SMH!

  17. resolve this, park two cars so close on both sides he cant get in, then maybe he will get hint.

  18. Don't blame them a bit. others have no respect for peoples property. I know how it felt the day i came out and found a huge dent, so deep that it had to be repaired, in my 4 month old new car. i do this also, or park way out in the lot.
    don't like it. tough. don't bang others cars up!

  19. No matter what some say about not returning grocery carts to the proper place and parking in the "no parking" zones directly in front of a store (when there is ample parking available), it's dead wrong, selfish and ignorant. I wish the police were allowed to ticket the cars that are illegally or improperly parked in parking lots/store fronts. I also wish the store management would attempt to do something about those parked in front of the stores.


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