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Thursday, May 18, 2017

A Random Walk Down Baltimore's Triangle Of Death

As of Tuesday, 129 citizens in Baltimore City, Maryland have been murdered, including nine in the recent week. Baltimore City’s homicide rate is now ranked number one in the United States surpassing cities, such as New Orleans, St. Louis, and Detroit. The city has deteriorated so quickly this year that the Mayor of Baltimore has called on Federal Government agencies to restore order. According to WaPo, Baltimore’s homicide rate “is more than triple Washington’s rate and higher than the homicide rates in New Orleans and Chicago, two places that have become national symbols of gun violence”.



  1. Who cares. They are getting their just rewards. They torn the hell out of that city over a useless thug and lead by obama demonized the police. They are getting exactly what they deserve. It's God's plan.

  2. And yet where was this guy just a few years ago when Baltimore capped off a downward trend with <200 homicides in a year?

    Simply put, this guy doesn't understand deviations from the norm. Violent crime is still at a near historic low overall guys - one year doesn't make a trend, sorry.

  3. States attorney supports black live matter terrorist group. She arrested 6 innocent cops black judge through the cases out then she publicly threatened the entire department.... BLM demands were met. They did not want cops in their communities. Hogan supports the toughest gun laws in the nation. This is the result.

  4. All democratic mayors

  5. Hilary won big in these cities. look out, shots fired.

  6. Well, the miscreants with their hands out are eliminating each other in fine fashion. Maybe when all said and done there won't be enough left to continue voting in those who have long since achieved the Peter Principle (level of incompetence) and someone with an IQ greater than 70 can straighten things out.

  7. 9:17 you are exactly right. I look on the BPD's Facebook and pre Gray they were constantly getting illegal firearms off the streets. A dramatic decrease after all the trouble they caused after Gray killed HIMSELF in the back of that transport van. No cop wants to be proactive to those ungrateful, inherently violent ghetto dwellers and who can blame them! Gray was a POS selling poison on the streets and he is not rotting in hell right where he belongs and anyone who says otherwise is a worthless POS themselves.

  8. 9:11 honey you are clueless. Completely clueless. What are you talking about a trend? The fact stands whether you want to admit it or not, spin it, lie about it or otherwise Baltimore ranks #1 in per capita murder rate. FACT! This doesn't mention the 100's of percent increases in non fatal shootings since the ghetto dwellers went wild rioting, looting and trying to burn the place down.


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