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Thursday, May 18, 2017

A Massive Invasion Could Be Underway In Maryland… Four Years Early

Preparing underground for 17 years, cicadas are born and then quickly take refuge underneath the surface. The insects will feast on tree roots until they make their way aboveground once again after a long hiatus. It was just last year when we were reporting on the massive invasion of Brood V cicadas that were emerging all over Maryland. The short-lived spectacle is one we don’t frequently see throughout our lifetime, with the next mass of them to appear in 2021. But in the past week an undetermined group of cicadas has emerged, leaving scientists puzzled over their early arrival.

With handfuls of holes being reported in soil over the past week, it would appear that a group of cicadas due to emerge in 2021 have made an early appearance.



  1. Sounds just like those Illegals that Baltimore wants to give Sanctuary too!

  2. Could it be a brood of last year's arriving a year late - many species, especially humans, don't bother to arrive on time anymore

  3. I remember in about 1980 when Howard Stern on his DC 101 radio show gave out a prize to the first person who brought in a big garbage bag of dead cicadas. He had to tell people to stop when dozens upon dozens of bags were dropped off at the station.

  4. Climate change isnt real though right guys?

    1. Yup, just because some cicadas popped out early the case for climate change is solved. Make sure you submit your name to claim the nobel prize for science. I'm sure you deserve it. Much like obama did when he got the peace prize while drone bombing the middle east.

  5. There have been cicadas out in every summer I've lived through for 63 years in a row, and I don't expect "climate change" will change anything this year.

    This 7 year theory has never panned out and has always been a laughable thing to me.

  6. Liberals blame everything on climate change. I suppose they don't have the intelligence to actually solve problems if problems actually exist.

    1. 9:01 What problem are you Republicans solving??? STILL WAITING FOR ALL THAT SWAMP DRAINING TO BEGIN!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


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