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Friday, May 12, 2017

15 Illegal Immigrants Arrested for Identity Theft

A total of 15 illegal immigrants were arrested after allegedly stealing Americans’ Social Security numbers and claiming to hold U.S. citizenship to gain employment.

While the 15 illegal immigrants were working at the LNG construction company site in Cameron, Louisiana, federal and state agents showed up to arrest the men, primarily from Mexico, for alleged identity theft, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

The 15 illegal immigrants were indicted by a federal grand jury for identity theft, accusing the men of “using social security numbers of actual citizens, and making false claims of United States citizenship in order to obtain jobs at the facility over the past three years,” the statement read.

According to prosecutors, the illegal immigrants were working under names of actual U.S. citizens. The stolen identities primarily came from citizens living in Puerto Rico.

Prosecutors said that after the illegal immigrants stole the Social Security numbers, they received state-issued identification cards from Louisiana, Missouri, Texas and Arkansas in order to work in those states.

The stolen Social Security numbers allowed the illegal immigrants to get past the E-Verify systems.



  1. INVESTIGATION NEEDEDMay 12, 2017 at 4:40 PM

    CHECK AMICK FARMS IN HARBESON DEL. off route 5 ...The Human Resources there always hire Illegals. For that matter, the Mexican organizations like LARAZA send the Human Resource head on Vacations all the time for having illegals work at that chicken plant.

  2. Go away, 4:40. Don't you know illegals have more rights than you?

  3. 5:09 PM, you absolutely spoke the truth there.


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