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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Your Kids’ School-Owned Devices Are Spying On Them, Report Finds

As adults, we all kind of have at least a vague peripheral sense that the devices and software we use are probably up to some kind of shenanigans with our personal data. Kids, however, are probably not thinking as closely about what they tell the devices they use, and what data those devices then share — especially if they’re school-owned tools. And yet, a new report finds, some of the learning technology schoolchildren are required to use every day are some of the worst when it comes to explaining and protecting users’ privacy.

The EFF’s new “Spying on Students” report [PDF] pulls together two years’ worth of research and data trying to find out whether educational technology (ed tech) companies are protecting students’ privacy. The answer is, unfortunately, largely not.

One third of all K-12 students are using school-issued ed tech devices, the EFF finds. About half are Chromebooks, and more than 30 million total students, teachers, and administrators are using Google’s education suite of software. And parents are being largely left in the dark.



  1. LOL,and with 1 on 1 human monitoring I take it? Their brains are mush and their conveyances are worthless to monitor.Mindless walking drones send mindless messages.Eavesdropping technology lacks the discretion of a human ear.Only one in a million adults convey anything worth hearing and even fewer children.

  2. Wicomico Schools doesn't keep this a secret, like if they find something that's inappropriate then disciplinary action is taken place.

  3. Oh, so in Wicomico County, if you look at anything inappropriate on the tablet disciplinary action will be taken but you can roam the halls, fight, cuss the teachers and anything else you want to do and you will get 5 lashes with a wet noodle and be told to go back to class and behave. Makes sense!!!!


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