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Sunday, April 30, 2017

World Beyond Your World

By Thornton Crowe

Many of you may have heard in passing about a hate group called, ANTIFA. They have been involved in much of the rioting in DC during the inauguration but also involved in the Berkeley riots. They are the thugs dressed in all black with black bandannas to cover the lower half of their faces.

Afraid of facial recognition perhaps? As philosophy professor Eric Clanton from Diablo Valley College found out all too quick, even masks will not shield one from being "doxed" by groups like 4Chan's /pol/. The 4Chan group has completely doxed Mr. Clanton and he is looking at serious attempted murder charges for hitting Trump supporters in the head with bike locks.

After the group 'hacked' into his Amazon account, they discovered he had just had a delivery of 14 brand new bike locks. Circumstantial evidence put Charlie Manson away so why Clanton thinks he may be immune is a mystery.

As you can see from the image, the did a pretty thorough job doxing this murderous professor and posted it for his alleged victims as he's the only one who has maliciously hit people in the head with this particular bike lock.

Unfortunately, for the ethics [sic] professor, his RateMyProfessor.com profile has taken a severe nose-dive since doxed, which is only just rewards considering his horrendous behavior. Also it should be noted, no bandanna is going to shield you forever from being exposed!

As you can see from the image, the /pol/ group has done a through job outing him, just like they did with porn star-turned-ANTIFA rioter Moldylocks (seen on the right) who heralds the swanky LA suburb, Thousand Oaks - a place where the average medium income is well over $1M per annum.

Incidentally, she's the girl who found equality when she was punched in the face (like a man) for trying to shoot an M80 firecracker inside a broken wine bottle at a Trump supporter. Had she been successful, the man would probably have sustained a life-threatening injury or died from such an attack.

Don't look to our local news to have much on this domestic terrorist group because, after all, they don't think anything like this could ever come to Salisbury. Their denial stems from the ignorance radiating from our City Hall.

In the following clip, Jack Posobiec, Washington Bureau Chief for Rebel Media explains who ANTIFA is and how they came to be. His investigation contains some facts which will be shocking while others will be of the Sal Alinsky flavor know well to all Democrats the world over.

As we've seen in footage and mentioned above, in recent dust-ups between ANTIFA and Trump Supporters, the latter has begun fighting back. In these face-offs, it's found many ANTIFA members are basically cowards and when de-masked, often cry like babies. Guess it's easy to be brave when your face is covered? All the world's indeed a stage...

Your best weapon in surviving these troubled times is to get yourselves informed!


  1. Why not first go after the old man calling himself Soro"s. Beat the ugly George off his nasty face and he too will be the coward.

  2. I cannot understand why our government allows this to happen. I thought attempts to overthrow our government was illegal. Another thing , why doesn't Sorros have a price on his head , in my opinion he is much worse that any war criminal we have known.
    Anyway ,thanks for another good post Mr. Crowe

  3. It has been written that the Mayor of Berkeley is a member of the ANTIFA group. Thanks, George Soros and The Party of Liberal Jim.

  4. Hypocritical cowards - their days are numbered.

  5. It's allowed to happen so we don't focus on what the government is doing, Our political party's are one in the same and our elections are scripted.

  6. 7:57- I wonder just how deep Soros is into the current unrest.More than any of us know most likely.

  7. Obama , is the culprit that allowed Sorros to infiltrate our country and government. Obama should be held liable and sent to a firing squad for treason.

  8. Is the government so corrupt that the police aren't allowed to arrest the violent protesters?

    1. The mayor of Berkeley, Jesse Arreguin, is part of this group. It's in Breitbart this last Friday. He ordered a stand down for the riot. The only thing police did was shoot some hazer off the rooftop which doesn't work in open spaces during a riot. Mostly used in hostage situations. The only thing that did was get people more inflamed. Making the situation worse. These mayors are supporting this garbage then turn around and dare to ask for federa aid to clean up mess left behind. It's a sad thing actually. 1032

  9. Whenever Soros is financing you can bet somewhere in the mix, Obama and Clinton along with Bush have some hand in it, too. When will you people get it that it's a uniparty system in DC and that they purposefully do this crap to deflect and subvert. You can bet our whacked out General Assembly would welcome this domestic terrorist group to invade our towns here on the shore, too. Don't doubt it for a minute.

    It's a reason why people have GOT TO VOTE for better people to represent them. Wake the f up! Your votes allow crap like this to continue.

  10. I was around in the late 60s early 70s when activists were tearing up Cambridge and Salisbury. This kind of thing can happen here very easily. Our blind City Hall and Police Department would just ignore it instead of dealing with it. Lock & Load!

  11. Liberals don't want to be informed. They believe in their unicorns, rainbows and fairies without fail.

  12. They changed from white hoods to black masks...Silly Democrats.

  13. Joe Posobeic was also assaulted in DC this week end by Antifa, the cops were on the guy with in 13 seconds, also seen was Luke, somebody who was an Antifa member that was on probation for another Antifa incident, talk about violation of probation!

    1. Yes and the authorities have been made aware the ANTIFA character who plead guilty for trying to exert chemical warfare on Deploraball during the Inauguration has violated his probation. Looks like Mr. Luke made be headed to serve a prison sentence for his involvement in yesterday's dust up between Posobiec and ANTIFA. Not at all sorry not surprised. Time for people to take a stand against domestic terror!


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