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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

What's Happening? 4-17-18

Let everyone know what is happening in the area.  The good the bad and the ugly.  

Have an event you want to let others know about?  Leave the information in comments.


  1. Salisbury christian south pacific this weekend

  2. CATFISH TOURNAMENT - Saturday, April 22 Cherry Beach, Sharptown, MD
    For Info: Facebook: Sharptown Catfish Tournament

  3. I hear Firestone was the new big sponsor for the Parkside Baseball team???? lol

    1. Oh the irony. Tires are made of rubber and if the little crybaby's dad had used one, we wouldn't be having this drama. What a whining family!! Big deal your precious little one has to wear a tire around his neck because he screwed up. Here's a solution...tell him to NOT SCREW UP!! How bout dah!!!

  4. Easton opened up yet another Grocery store in Easton. Audi on the corner of 50 and Denton Road. And yet we have crap here in Salisbury to pick from for our food and shopping choices! No wonder this town is dying! At least they are opening up a new Krispy Kreme here.

  5. Krispy Kreme is just what y'all need after eating a few big macs and chik fil a sammies. Good thing you gots obamacare insurance.

  6. The good.Watching young teens speak there minds during comment forum of the Wicomico County budget proposal.

    The bad.Watching that asshole Tad Fartlow and the clown beside him make facial expressions when the young people and the teachers spoke on there behalf.

    I guess Mr Fartlow and his buddy were missing another fire department V.I.P.dinner or meeting of the minds.

  7. There are two Aldi stores supposedly opening in Salisbury within the next year, one on the north end and one close to downtown.

    1. The welfare thugs are awaitng to rob it.

  8. Waiting for the big civic center meeting on Tuesday so us county workers can be praised for our hard work. Then we will get informed of our big 2% raise and then told to not wear shorts even if it gets to 100 degrees. Must be nice being at the tourism dept. Different rules for each dept.

  9. I thought this post goes up on fridays must be a slow comment hit day.lol

  10. 7:18
    You thought wrong :) I put this post up randomly. Joe puts up the 'Thank God It's Friday What will you be doing this weekend.'

  11. I realize the local, county, and state police have to witness to act. Just wondering if anything has or will be done reference these car clubs ruling the roads instead of following the rules of the road. I have seen and heard others speak of these lawless drivers that run the road with LED light bars on their vehicles (on roof). Twice I have stopped along the corridor of Rt 13 in Salisbury for what I thought was an emergency vehicle (due to being blinded). They pull a vehicle out blocking the way of others, while the entire convey of "Crown Vic" drivers pull out into the main drag without stopping. Last week out on Rt 50 near the post office one came exceeding the posted limit (I would think) and switched those lights on while cutting me off. At that time another did the same. It appeared the first one was signaling the second to turn off. They were maybe Impala's with the second white vehicle having "Got Broad" or something in bold lettering on the rear bumper. Not sure about the description due to controlling my vehicle from being hit. The road patrol must be familiar because this has been going on often for a year or more that I have observed. What say you?

  12. 7:18 got cold busted today.

  13. I heard the car club you are speaking of has control of the downtown plaza after midnight.

  14. Another question.....what were the children with buckets collecting money at the intersection down the road from the sheriffs office? It is always something and kids are running around and cars are just missing them in traffic. A car pulls up and turns on outside speakers and blasts music into the crowd. NO....(Not opens the windows)....turns on outside speakers on the car. Could break your eardrums. That intersection is becoming a real pain to get around. Do the police know this side show is going on? Do you need a permit???


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