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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

We’re on the brink of an epic Lyme disease outbreak

A bumper crop of acorns could be putting the US on the brink of an unprecedented outbreak of Lyme disease, experts warn.

An estimated 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year, but the illness is now on track to being the worst in 2017, according to Rick Ostfeld, a disease ecologist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York.

The acorn surge means mouse populations will climb — giving rise to more disease-carrying ticks.

“We predict the mice population based on the acorns and we predict infected nymph ticks with the mice numbers. Each step has a one-year lag,”Ostfeld told New Scientist magazine.

One mouse alone can carry hundreds of immature ticks, according New Scientist.



  1. Food grade hydrogen peroxide will cure Lymes when mixed in the proper ratio with water & drank according to instructions.Rather than stating the correct ratio I would advise anyone interested to google it.Food grade hydrogen peroxide can be ordered on the Wal Mart website,among other places.

  2. Today its Lyme, yesterday it was Bird Flu...tomorrow it'll be invasion of the Stupid....

    WHAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!


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