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Thursday, April 13, 2017

‘We Need a Change in Direction from this Speaker or We Need a New Speaker’

Congressman Justin Amash (R-MI) said that if the House of Representatives does not change course, Republicans might need a new Speaker.

The Michigan conservative responded to a question about gridlock in Washington, saying, “We need either a change in direction from this speaker, or we need a new speaker.”

Rep. Amash added that the speaker should be replaced with someone who is “nonpartisan.”

Congressman Amash also criticized the House Republican leadership. He said, “When we go home for the weekend, they give us a set of talking points. They say, ‘Here are your talking points.’ That’s not the way you’re supposed to represent a community.”

Congressman Amash echoes the sentiment of other conservatives who wonder if Ryan should lead the House.

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  1. Ryan should have never be in the position. He has been a thorn in President Donald J. Trump's side from the beginning, because he failed to make VP when running with the other loser. He is jealous because like the fat lady, Ryan thought he should be in the top chair by now.

  2. "Non partisan"? I didn't know there was a bigger RINO in congress. Exactly what we don't need. We need a strong conservative.

  3. Ryan should be voted out of the House completly.RINO POS gone.


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