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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

University Now Stocking Men’s Bathrooms With Free Tampons

The University of Wisconsin-Madison launched a program in April to provide free tampons in the men’s bathroom.

“Menstrual products will be available in all of the bathrooms of the Red Gym so that they are available to any student who might need them, ” Steve Wagoner, a spokesman for the school, told The College Fix.

The women’s bathrooms in Helen C. White Hall and Sterling Hall are stocked with feminine hygiene products, while The Red Gym will also have tampons and pads in the women’s, men’s and gender neutral bathrooms.

Student Rep. Katrina Morrison proposed the program, telling people that having to buy tampons was “an unnecessary burden” and that access to feminine hygiene products is vital.



  1. I'm just so sure this is what men want to see when going in the bathroom. What a sick world we live in today.

  2. this country has gone all to hell.

  3. Slip one in your first aid kit; they're good for packing wounds in an emergency.

  4. When "Katrina" gets back to my planet where men don't bleed down there every month and men buy what they need with the money that they earn, maybe we can have a conversation...

  5. 7:33 had one up my nose during football in highschool you ain't kidding! Haha. I think we need to get over it, what are we 8 years old where things are yucky to us?

  6. Just yesterday I was in Home Depot and went into the men's room and was looking for a tampon and was HIGHLY disappointed that they didn't have any.

    My wife was in the grocery store and came home livid that the store wanted actual MONEY from her before letting her walk out the door with some!

    What is this world coming to????

  7. From what I hear, men's bathrooms' are cleaner anyway so I figure its a VENUS CONSPIRACY that women want to come to the men's bathroom!

    Good grief, does IT really matter?

  8. Student Rep. Katrina Morrison proposed the program

    Someone needs to beat her ass and knock some sense into her. She has a serious mental illness.

  9. Why don't they put condoms in womens rooms?

  10. well american men today are wussies so it is fitting...


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