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Saturday, April 08, 2017

Trump Calls NBC's Andrea Mitchell a 'P.R. Person' for Hillary Clinton

President Donald Trump slammed NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday, suggesting she acted as a "P.R. person" for former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Trump said in an interview with New York Times reporters Glenn Thrush and Maggie Haberman on Wednesday that the controversy surrounding Susan Rice and her alleged requests to "unmask" Trump associates would become a "massive, massive story."

Trump referenced Rice's Tuesday interview with Mitchell, saying Rice did a "horrible" job and that Mitchell was "Hillary Clinton's P.R. person."

"Take a look at what’s happening. I mean, first of all her performance was horrible yesterday on television even though she was interviewed by Hillary Clinton’s P.R. person, Andrea Mitchell. Course you’ve been accused of that also," Trump told the Times reporters.



  1. Mitchell has always done softball interviews and never pressed the issues unless it was a Republican or something that would make her look important. This interview was done to pursue the Obama agenda and not about getting facts. It was sickening. This is why I don't watch these pathetic news outlets.

  2. She's always been a campaigner for democrats and probably on a secret payroll.

  3. IF the shoe fits!

    Remember she is married to Alan Greenspan (prior Fed Chairman..a Republican).

  4. 12:21


    Get a grip!

  5. One of Trump's most endearing qualities is calling it as he sees it. Mitchell is a PR person for Clinton, there's no disputing this. She's a shameless pimp of corrupt criminality and selling out America for the sole purpose of self-enrichment. To says she's a reporter or serious journalist is like saying Jeffrey Dahmer is a grocery store butcher.


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