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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Tom Cotton: 'Susan Rice Is the Typhoid Mary of the Obama Administration'

Tuesday on Hugh Hewitt’s nationally syndicated radio show, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) commented on a report that former National Security Advisor Susan Rice for President Barack Obama was behind the unmasking of the identities of members of Donald Trump’s transition team.

Cotton noted Rice’s involvement in this story and her involvement in what he suggested were other Obama administration foreign policy missteps and likened her to “Typhoid Mary.”

“Susan Rice is the Typhoid Mary of the Obama administration foreign policy,” Cotton said. “Every time something went wrong, she seemed to turn up in the middle of it, whether it was these allegations of improper unmasking, intentional or improper surveillance, whether it’s Benghazi or the other fiascos over the eight years of the Obama administration.”

“If Eli Lake’s reporting is correct, it is hard to square what Susan Rice said in that PBS interview,” he added.



  1. Obama needs to be arrested for Treason.

  2. It is no wonder they did not want Trump in office, he is finding all the skeletons in the closets left behind by Obama!!

  3. There's nothing I heard in that video that I believe to be true. That woman was lying all the way through with her pre- rehearsed talking points. Nothing candid about that "show".

  4. She sounds like a professional liar whenever she speaks.


  5. "Susan Rice’s husband is an Executive Producer with ABC News."


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