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Sunday, April 02, 2017

Today's Survey Question 3-30-17

Do you think Bill O'Reilly's 
statement was racist?


  1. No. Why can't something just be funny, without everyone try to tag it as racist? It was just funny--that is all.

  2. No. He was absolutely 100% correct. No racist attempt whatsoever.

  3. No.

    Now Rachel Maddcow - HE will be very upset at Bill O's remark and apology!

  4. I have to add this also . we must call the NAACP to get permission to speak.

  5. Racist? No.

    But poor choice of words.

  6. NO, telling the truth, or sharing your opinion is now "Racist" in this PC world.

  7. She is a racist Whack job.

  8. If she can talk smack, she needs to learn how to take it. Also, I don't think it is racist, and lets face it, he's not wrong. That's what her hair looks like.

  9. Does it even matter?
    He has the right to say what he wants. If it's crude, mean or whatever, that's a reflection of his personality, but it is his RIGHT to say what he wants.

  10. If anything wrong, would be complimenting her bad self. James Brown had it going on, he was feeling good. She is a total nut job, if that is racist, what the hell does racist mean.

  11. I agree with all of you. Since when did these thin skinned wanna be politicians expect to get PAMPERED?

    An old friend of mine from many years back called me a racist simply because I disagree with Obama.

    I'm not sure about all of you but quite frankly I've had just about enough of this bullsh!t.

    Jake Day can't get one damn thing done, yet he can go door to door begging people to like him and his free gifts and people vote for him. It's no longer about who can or will get the job done. These politicians swear they're going to bring and or crate JOBS, WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?

    Now it's a matter of politicians changing the subject/attention to ANYTHING other then their ability to deliver.

    Am I the ONLY ONE who will call it out for what it is?

  12. No more than saying Sonny Bono wore a Moe Howard wig.

  13. Senate Intelligence Committee revealed that Russia hired 1000 people to create anti-Clinton fake news in key USA states. Still think they didn't mess with our democracy?

  14. Bigoted for sure. O'Reilly has a long history of making these types of off color comments. He needs to be fired.

  15. 2:10 using the words senate and intelligence in the same sentence is most definitely a crime and an out and out lie. And I don't care which party they are from. Both have shown they have little to no intelligence at all

  16. Everytime i see her racist Crying A.. i wanna step back and kiss myself.

  17. good grief no , just another excuse for them to keep the pot steaming

  18. What about the STUPID comments about President Trump's hair. People get a life and worry about more important things! Who cares, so he made fun of her hair. We can't count the number of inappropriate comments she has made as a politician.

  19. Not at all but blacks will because they have been so dumbed down they think everything negative said about them is racism. One bad thing said about obama and you were a racist. This is how ignorant they have allowed themselves to become. Most wouldn't know real racism if it bit them in their arses though they will lie all day long and say they do. They like to twist reality and the truth into racism because honesty is not something they value at all.

  20. NO!!! James Brown wig and Ike Turner attitude!!!

  21. No, I think Waters' straightening of her hair is cultural appropriation, and racist in itself.


  22. Maxine Waters never filters what comes out of her mouth; most that reaches the airwaves is crazy talk. His comment was accurate and funny, but she's a professional victim thus the dust-up.

    He should have invited her on the show.

  23. If the shoe fits, wear it Maxine!

  24. I am sick of hearing the term racist when good ole folks don't even know what it means.

    Also, sick of hearing about Russia. Russia nor Putin Head had not a darn thing to do with me voting for President Donald J. Trump.

  25. I think it was a mean comment and I wish people would look in the mirror before they make jokes about someone else's appearance. However, the way she wears her hair isn't cultural appropriation, either. Maxine Waters belongs to a generation of women who straightened their hair, got weaves and wore wigs in order to not only be stylish but to conform to ideas of beauty that were difficult for someone with black hair to attain without a lot of effort.

    1. Screw u snowflake if she loves her race why doesnt she wear a afro ?

  26. James Brown, Had better hair than her. I personally think it resembles buckwheat's hair.

  27. Waaaaaahhhhhhh
    cry me a james brown river ...max.

  28. Hell No and I am getting sick and tired of the race card.

  29. No it was not racist. It was a joke. Maxine was the butt of the joke but she herself is a nasty mouthed wannabe. Is she a racist for impugning President Trump?
    I would say not but it works both ways.

  30. omg, I can't believe I read all these comments and am now commenting myself.

    But, it is a sad day in this country when this many people including myself have nothing better to do than read about and comment on what one public bully said about another public bully.

    I do hereby require myself to stay out of the comments section hereafter.

  31. Liberalism is a MENTAL disorder. The disease is strong in this one.


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