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Thursday, April 06, 2017

TIME IS RUNNING OUT: Legislature Must Act On The Repeat Drunk Driving Offenders Act Of 2017

Important Legislation Holds Impaired Drivers Accountable and Makes Travel on Maryland’s Roads Safer

“Our new ‘Repeat Drunk Driving Offenders Act of 2017’ will help ensure that moving forward we have more tools at our disposal to hold these offenders accountable for their crimes, while also helping to protect future potential victims of repeat drunk drivers.” - Governor Larry Hogan, January 12, 2017

Hogan Administration Calls On Lawmakers To Pass A Clean Version Of The Repeat Drunk Driving Offenders Act Of 2017

The Hogan Administration Is Calling On The Legislature To Pass A Clean Version Of The Repeat Drunk Driving Offenders Act Of 2017; Attempt To Hijack Legislation By Adding Punitive Damages Jeopardizes Passage Of This Important Bill.

Governor Hogan’s Repeat Drunk Driving Act Of 2017, As Introduced Is A Strong Proposal To Make Marylanders Safer

The Governor’s Proposal Targets Repeat Offenders Of Drunk Driving And Creates A Felony Offense, Punishable By Up To 10 Years For Anybody Who Has Been Convicted Of Causing A Death Or Life Threatening Injury And Has A Subsequent Drunk Driving Offense, As Well As Anyone Convicted Of Drunk Or Drugged Driving After Three Previous Violations. “A person who violates any provision of § 21–902 of this article is guilty of a felony and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or a fine not exceeding $10,000 or both if the person has previously been convicted of: Three or more violations of any provision of § 21–902 of this article; or A violation of § 2–209, § 2–210, § 2–503, § 2–504, § 2–505, §2–506, or § 3–211 of the criminal law article.” (“House Bill 371,” Maryland General Assembly, 1/25/17)

Time Is Running Out: Legislators Must Work Together To Ensure That This Important Public Safety Legislation Passes

The Maryland State Senate Approved An Amended Version, With Punitive Damages, Of The Repeat Drunk Driving Offenders Act Of 2017 By A Vote Of 46-1. (“Senate Bill 312,” Maryland General Assembly, 3/18/17)

The Maryland House Of Delegates Approved An Amended Version Of The Repeat Drunk Driving Offenders Act Of 2017 By A Vote Of 140-0. (“House Bill 371,” Maryland General Assembly, 3/21/17)

Lawmakers Passed Amended Versions Of The Legislation; Now They Must Take Steps To Ensure Governor Hogan Can Sign A Meaningful Piece Of Legislation Without Unnecessary Provisions

Hearings Were Held In The Senate And The House On Senate Bill 312 And House Bill 371; It Is Now Up To Lawmakers To Agree To A Clean Version Of The Repeat Drunk Driving Offenders Act Of 2017 To Send To Governor Hogan’s Desk. (“Senate Bill 312,” Maryland General Assembly, Accessed: 3/29/17)


  1. Why does it take a repeat offense to get this punishment? Especially for the drunk drivers that end up killing someone. My vote is that if a drunk driver kills someone due to their negligence and is without a doubt the driver from being on the scene, there is an instant arrest regardless, and the this 10 yr proposal is a minimum, felony. As well, the mandatory 180 days from incident to trial is way too long for the victim side. This should be administered within 30 days of the incident for the victim's families sake.

  2. They will never pass it since a large majority of these politians will be included and they never punish themselves.

  3. wont pass.
    Bar on every street corner of MD's 2nd largest City in the summertime.


    Nothing ever changes when the almighty dollar is involved. Stop with your common sense thinking too, its the 21st Century for Christ sakes!!!!!

    (BS meter is now OFF - sheesh!)


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