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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tickets on sale for National Day of Prayer Breakfast

SALISBURY, Md. - The National Day of Prayer Breakfast will return to the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center on Thursday, May 4, at 7:15 a.m. The seventh annual breakfast will feature speaker Terence Chatmon, president and CEO of Fellowship of Companies for Christ International.

Tickets for this event are $20 per person or $160 for a table of eight. Tickets are available at The Country House in Salisbury or by calling Ted Evans at 410-430-4189. To purchase tickets by mail, send a check payable to Salisbury Area Prayer Breakfast Committee c/o Magi Fund, P.O. Box 521, Salisbury, MD 21803.

Following the breakfast, on the same day, the 66th Annual National Day of Prayer Observance will be held at the Government Office Building in downtown Salisbury at noon. This observance is free and open to the public.

For more information, contact Evans at 410-430-4189.


  1. The Muslim President never ever held or attended one of theses!

  2. Obama Has actually attended National Prayer breakfast before, you know I never voted for obama but that doesn't mean that I would make up lies and etc.

  3. Dr.Ben Carson was one of the best speakers at this event in Salisbury, years ago. I think Martin was the so called mayor.

  4. Obama did attend one of these but it was at his Masque.

  5. Remember when Lisa Beamer came & spoke?


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