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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

This Little Girl Wanted A Poop-Themed Birthday Party, So Her Parents Threw Her One

“I tried suggesting other themes, but she always insisted on poop.”

When a Missouri mom named Rebecca asked her daughter, Audrey, how she’d like to celebrate her third birthday, the toddler had only one theme in mind: “poop.”

“For months, every time we mentioned her party, Audrey requested ‘poop balloons and a poop cake,’” Rebecca told The Huffington Post. “I tried suggesting other themes, but she always insisted on poop.”

Ultimately, she and her husband decided to “embrace the weird” and give Audrey the party she wanted.



  1. You see the emojis everywhere. This should be embarrassing for people but in this suck world is celebrated. That child doesn't have a shot with parents like that.

  2. well there's a childhood memory she'll thank her mom for sharing with the world for the rest of her life!

  3. Yuck. Another case of letting children run the household! They are permitted to do and say whatever they want! These parents are going to create a monster if they keep allowing her to make the decisions. I find the whole idea revolting. She should have been told that a poop party is not appropriate and to choose another theme or have no party at all. I would be absolutely mortified to invite people to a party themed with poop! They could have had a poop cake just for the family on another day for a compromise, if they could stomach looking at it!

  4. She'll be "identifying" as a boy soon, or whatever she tells her parents to do next. The "parents" are letting the child be in charge at this young age, and she will drive that car to her eventual crash in life.

    So sorry to see this degradation of Society.

  5. Now there's a three year old that now knows her parents will do anything she asks, and give her anything she wants. Terrible parenting. Her parents should be ashamed for admitting their poor parenting skills.

  6. This is a good theme for all of us living in Slumsbury, our city symbol should also be the Turd!

  7. So sick of hearing & seeing poop stuff I could vomit! Who is the parent here? Take your clorox minute & show it somewhere we don't have to look at it!

  8. Stupid, idiot parents allowing the child to rule.

  9. The poop emoji is actually chocolate pudding that got labeled poop.


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