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Thursday, April 06, 2017

These high school journalists investigated a new principal’s credentials. Days later, she resigned.

Connor Balthazor, 17, was in the middle of study hall when he was called into a meeting with his high school newspaper adviser.

A group of reporters and editors from the student newspaper, the Booster Redux at Pittsburg High School in southeastern Kansas, had gathered to talk about Amy Robertson, who was hired as the high school’s head principal on March 6.

The student journalists had begun researching Robertson, and quickly found some discrepancies in her education credentials. For one, when they researched Corllins University, the private university where Robertson said she got her master’s and doctorate degrees years ago, the website didn’t work. They found no evidence that it was an accredited university.

“There were some things that just didn’t quite add up,” Balthazor told The Washington Post.



  1. Who, exactly did the hiring and didn't bother to check credentials?

  2. Some true journalism and factual reporting...much unlike the current MSM!

  3. These kids better look for a new profession. Revealing the truth in MSM just gets you fired these days.

  4. Whoever hired this fake needs to be fired themselves.

  5. As long as she got equal pay during her day or week in the job is ALL that MATTERS. Would they fact check a male?

  6. Hey who checked Rich Brueckners credentials? Some one might want to look into this just saying.......
    Hmm who hired Rich Brueckner anyway? Does any one know who hired him?

  7. It looks like he owes his school a lot of money if you owe your college money do you get your degree?

  8. Maryland general Assembly house bill 98 States attorney Rich Brueckner claims he defends the Ochoa crime family he states that fact in front of the General Assembly


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