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Saturday, April 15, 2017

These Are The 10 Most Redneck Cities In Maryland

We used data and science to analyze which places in MD are redneck heaven.

Is there anything really wrong with being called a Maryland redneck? Sure, every state has them. While they might be defined with a different criteria in other states, there’s plenty of them all over up there.

Wait. What is a redneck anyways? Well, according to the official bible of literature, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a redneck is:

“A white person who lives in a small town or in the country especially in the southern U.S., who typically has a working-class job, and who is seen by others as being uneducated and having opinions and attitudes that are offensive.”

Plus, we thought why not add in a few stereotypes? Cause, you know, rednecks like to hunt, fish, drink, smoke and shoot things. And shop at Walmart.

Using that criteria, it’s not hard to scrape the internet, run some scientific data on where the most members of the Maryland redneck family tree most likely live. Most of these places probably won’t surprise you.

Because, the data never lies, does it?



  1. So what's wrong with having a working-class job? If that's the definition then I am very happy to be a redneck.

  2. It's not just the working class job. That's only one of the criteria.

    There is a thing called the rich a**hole. But then there are people who are rich and not a**holes.

  3. There are pheasants in Grasonville?

  4. I'm an educated 'redneck' and proud of it...born and raised on the Delmarva Peninsula, I have found, for the most part, the people here are kind, sharing, down to earth and have a lot to offer. Their stories are of hardship, victory, and great families.

    I realize we have major issues we didn't have in the past like crime and drugs, but we didn't always have to deal with this. It's increased because of ECI (Joe has explained this) the Universities with the low class criminal element, drugs pouring into our area, imports that don't have our same values and so much more. BUT, with all that said, we still have a better way of life than Many areas around the country. I'm Not saying some of the citizens that have been born and raised here aren't without sin, issues, problems, but again; for the most part, we live in a great area.

    Our police officers, prosecutors, judges and more need to get really serious regarding crime and punish to the fullest. Spiritually speaking, when our Churches get serious about their job, to share the gospel, preach Truth and live like Jesus, all of us will have a much better way of life.

  5. Salisbury is not listed because it is a crime infested GHETTO!!

    I would much have a redneck Salisbury than a Ghetto Salisbury. At least you have working class people.

  6. Pocomoke really isn't redneck anymore because the majority of people residing in Pocomoke is Ghetto Trash. That is right, they make up the majority of the population.


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