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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The side effects of statins outweigh their benefits

Statins' side effects outweigh any of their potential benefits.

The cholesterol-lowering medications do not reduce death rates in any patients, a leading expert has warned.

Professor Sherif Sultan, president, the International Society for Vascular Surgery, said: 'People are taking this drug to prevent a problem and [are] creating a disaster.'

Side effects vary between individuals, with one in 1,000 suffering visual disturbances and increased bleeding; one in 100 experiencing inflammation of the liver and pancreas; and as many as one in 10 developing headache and muscle pain.

Statins are prescribed to around one in four adults in the UK, making them the most common treatment given out by doctors.



  1. I sincerely hope, and pray Hillary Clinton is on these.

  2. You can believe my sister & I both
    experienced the severe muscle pain
    as a side effect. The y were so
    bad they awoke me from a sound sleep
    from sever cramps in my legs.

    I meant a man who told me Satins had
    caused muscle deteriation in his legs
    & that was why he was walking with
    a walker.

    At my age----I will take my chances,
    try to eat healthier & Stay Away from
    those Damn Drugs!! They'll kill you!!

  3. After five years on taking statins I quit because I could no longer deal with the muscle cramps in my legs. What is curious is that three years later my cholesterol levels have not risen at all. I'm fine now and live a life free of horrible muscle cramps.

  4. These drugs are poison!

  5. Statin was a ruthless leader that killed many people, so now even from his grave he is killing more?


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