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Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Garden Masterpiece Grown From Rescued Plants

In Bishopville, South Carolina, Pearl Fryar is a local gardening legend. When he first moved to the small town in the 1980s, he was almost unable to build his house because neighbors feared that as an African American, he wouldn’t keep up his yard. Determined to dispel that stereotype, Fryar went on to win “Yard of the Month” from the local garden club. Since then, he’s created a world-renowned topiary garden with more than 300 plants, most of which were rescued from the compost pile of a local nursery.

1 comment:

  1. I have been accused of being racist at a job to only have a friend and co-worker of the accusers race jump him and tell him I was the least racist person he will ever meet. I don't judge people I let their actions decide if they are someone I want to associate with. If only more people could quit judging others and just decide if others are who they wish to associate with. The accuser learned one day when I stood up for him on the job that even though he judged me, wrongly, that I had not judged him.


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