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Monday, April 10, 2017

Texas Wins Victory for Farmers Against BLM

Texas leaders and farm owners secured a victory in the battle against the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) attempted land grab along the banks of the Red River. The federal agency announced it is suspending the surveys ordered during the Obama Administration to justify the attempted takeover of 90,000 acres of land.

The BLM admitted this week admitted in a letter issued on March 29 (attached below) that it used an “incorrect methodology” in its justification for the attempted taking of land that had been in the possession of many Texas landowners for generations. “Having reviewed this deposition testimony and other new information, the BLM believes the survey methodology was used in error and may have caused errors in identifying the location of the Gradient Boundary,” Acting Cadastral Survey Chief Stephen Beyerlein wrote in the letter.

“The BLM’s admission that it used incorrect methodology in these surveys and the decision to suspend the surveys is welcome news,” U.S. Representative Mac Thornberry (R-TX) said in a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas. “The portions of the river that the agency has surveyed strayed widely from the accepted gradient boundary survey method established by the Supreme Court in Oklahoma v. Texas. It is encouraging that the BLM has admitted their error and that all administrative action will be suspended until the matter is resolved. I will continue working with the landowners, local and state officials, and Senator Cornyn (R-TX) until this issue is resolved once and for all.” Thornberry is the author of the “Red River Gradient Boundary Survey Act” which passed earlier this year.



  1. Now remember all of this when they go to grab more land and people stand up and you want to call them thugs, or terrorists who hate the govt or any other stupid statement you can make regarding this matter...

    Not everyone how stands up for their rights is in the wrong or stupid or a terrorist, you people like to comment that they are... It just shows how god damn stupid you are and how little you know of the subject these people are battling... You hear the govt's side, you hear the lying media and you think everything they say is gold and truthful...

  2. "ONCE and for all"....? There is no such thing.

  3. They still shot and killed that man in Oregon with his hands up while he was trying to to the police station for a meeting over land rights. So what, just go back to all the old rules, say "sorry we killed you" and it's all better?

  4. BLM = NWA same thing !!!


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