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Friday, April 14, 2017

Study: Unemployment Makes Men Unattractive and Crazy

Job losses are more than just an economic drag. They are literally depressing.

New research shows that “severe depressive symptoms” are partly a consequence of the loss of employment and subsequent “economic inactivity.” The longer the period of unemployment, the greater the incidence of depression, according to a study of Australian labor market data by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark School of the University of Sydney.

Cobb-Clark’s study shows that joblessness weighs on men more than women. Men’s mental health starts to deteriorate as soon as they exit the labor market. Women are apparently made of sterner stuff: their mental health only worsens after they’ve been out of the labor force for a period of time.

Unemployment can lead to self-perpetuating downward spiral. The research also finds that severe depressive symptoms lead to economic inactivity.

“Individuals are less likely to be labor force participants or employed if they experience severe depressive symptoms. Men’s probability of being unemployed rises dramatically with the onset of depressive symptoms; women’s unemployment is increased by protracted depressive symptoms,” Cobb-Clark writes.

In other words, unemployment leads to depression and depression leads to unemployment.



  1. Twinkies make women fat and unattractive, so, whats the point?

  2. The point is, if men are unemployed, how can he buy Twinkies for any woman. Ha Ha.


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