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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

States Want More Career and Technical Training, But Struggle to Find Teachers

Many Minnesota employers say they can’t find skilled workers with the right career training. Meanwhile, high schools are cutting career and technical education courses because they can’t find qualified teachers.

“The jobs are there, and we’re not preparing our kids well enough to get into those jobs because the system has not allowed us to,” said Stephen Jones, the superintendent of schools in Little Falls, Minnesota. His district hasn’t had to cancel any courses for lack of instructors, but he says smaller districts in the state have.

Nationally, career and technical education (CTE) isn’t the area with the worst teacher shortage — that’s special education. But two-thirds of states are currently reporting a shortage of CTE teachers in at least one specialty, according to a Stateline analysis offederal data. Many states, such as Minnesota and South Dakota, have had a shortage of CTE teachers for a decade. Some states, such as Maine, Maryland and New York, have had a shortage for almost 20 years.



  1. Guess what? If you pay teachers like crap you will get crap. Now complain about teachers.

  2. 6:10 AM, just what would be the right pay for teachers? Alot of them, in my opinion, are way overpaid.

    1. So is that why they can't find teachers!? Ha. Your opinion is uniformed, obviously.

  3. 6:43 - who makes the uniforms you are referring to? We need more uniformity!

  4. 6:10 is correct - for some of the teachers...the good ones!
    6:26 is correct - for some of the teachers...the bad ones!

    There is also a problem in that people are lazy, don't want to learn new skills, and really don't want to work! The latter being incentivized by the liberal government over the last eight years!

  5. Teacher pay should be based on performance. There are a lot of teachers that are excellent in the classroom and then there are some that just steal oxygen.

  6. Well start a program to educate people to teach others. duh


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