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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Soros-Funded Group Chaired By Elizabeth Warren’s Daughter Fighting Voter Integrity Lawsuits

An organization funded by liberal billionaire George Soros and chaired by Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren's daughter is fighting lawsuits brought forth by election integrity groups in a number of cities.

Demos, a New York City-based progressive public policy organization, is assisting unions in pushing back against election lawsuits filed in North Carolina and Florida. The group is also writing letters of interest in another lawsuit in Pennsylvania. Amelia Warren Tyagi, Warren's daughter, chairsthe board of Demos.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an Indiana-based legal group that litigates to protect election integrity, filed a lawsuit against Wake County, N.C., on behalf of Voter Integrity Project NC, a research organization dedicated to fair elections, after the county had failed to accurately maintain their voter rolls.

The county also failed to provide records related to the maintenance of their voter rolls and possible noncitizen voting, as required by federal law.

"According to publicly-available data, Wake County has more registered voters on the rolls eligible to cast a ballot than it has citizens who are alive," PILF wrote.

More here


  1. Imagine that! I guess George Soros does not qualify for LIAWATHA'S greedy rich people.

  2. In the last six months I have visited my eye doctor, dentist and a local oral surgeon and pharmacy. In each of these instances I was asked to produce a photo ID-preferably my driver's license. I have NO problem at all with this as it's purpose is to prevent identity theft. No ID-no service...
    My question is what do the people who state obtaining a legitimate photo ID is too difficult for them if they visit a medical professional?
    If I need to show a photo ID at my doctor's office I can show one at the polls.


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