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Thursday, April 06, 2017


If young Americans had it their way, the federal government would spend a whole lot more to ensure that people across the U.S. had health care coverage.

A recent GenForward poll found most young adults in the country were satisfied with former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act—plus or minus a few provisions—and they believed whatever President Donald Trump and the GOP has in store for health care going forward, it should require the federal government to shell out more money to guarantee all Americans have more than just “access” to coverage, as Republican lawmakers suggested in their recent unsuccessful health care legislation.

The poll, which surveyed 1,833 18-to-30-year-old adults before Trump's health care bill was rejected, found 67 percent of young adults said it was the federal government’s duty provide all U.S. residents with health coverage, and 63 percent of young Americans wanted the government to increase spending to help citizens afford health insurance, even though they acknowledged such measures would cost the U.S. more money.



  1. Most young adults took the fine instead of getting coverage...that's why odontcare is collapsing.

    We ain't funding you old farts health care!

  2. They must not have witnessed government run entities before...Get the government out and let capitalism do it's thing.

  3. hahaha, yea the "know nothings about life" want everything for free or think others should be footing the bill. Then when their taxes double they will be crying about that.

    Love when they poll a select demographics.

    And where is all the money coming from to pay for this? Your pocket.

    1. Your taxes will be doubling to pay for foreign wars. Wars aren't cheap you know. They need to be funded by tax dollars. You better keep working. That little bit of money you pay to the girls on welfare will be a drop in the bucket compared to footing the bill for war in the Middle East and Korea.

  4. Let's give them their wish. Starting tomorrow extend medicare to all. For starters to pay for it all workers under 30 will have their medicare tax increased 5000 percent to pay for it. I bet they will soon change their mind.

  5. No Feds should not pay for healthcare. These people want something for nothing again. They will complain then when the taxes go sky high just to pay for their health insurance. Appears the so-called smarter / more educated they get the dumber they get.

  6. When you consider that teachers have become a unionized bunch of socialists, what do you think they are teaching your children? The Clintons have this tax free foundation and they barely pay any taxes. Now, the Obamas have their own tax free foundation. More recently, we have Susan Rice spying and making fun of our order of law with repeated lies to the American public. She sure is setting an example for her 2 kids while she sends an innocent person to prison for creating a youtube video that in ridicules Islam. It was just another lie to cover up all the laws that Hillary was breaking in Bengazi that cost the lives of innocent Americans.

  7. And I would like a mansion on the top of a cliff overlooking the ocean with my own private staff and the only thing that his holding me back from that is "money". So when the young people figure out how to pay for their wants without going further into a deep hole of debt maybe someone will give a damn about their wants. Until then maybe they should just get jobs, become productive citizens, and contribute 30% or more of what they make to pay for other people debts like their parents did. Then maybe they will have a perspective on the difference between a want and a need. This is the laziest, whiniest, self centered, entitled generation ever.

  8. Young Americans don't have clue. Nothing is free, good hard working tax payers foot all this so called freebies they want. They don't realize when they get older it will be them paying the BS. And I guarantee they won't like government dipping into their paycheck.

  9. 5:42 PM we are on Medicare, so you are anyhow. Idiot.

  10. Someone should teach these young brainiacs where the federal government gets their money.

  11. Thank you, 6:42! They think that money is just printed and given away on a daily basis (which it is) with no debt or accountability (which it is). A trillion dollars a year for the last ten years gets printed and is laughingly referred to as "debt", and another trillion is "approved" for next year!

    What would make a millennial know anything different? They grew up in that world. It's all they know so far...

    Our economy is so broke that there's only one way to fix it; forgive all student debt?????

    And these poor kids will have no clue when the whole house of cards collapses...

  12. When people who don't work and don't have medical insurance seek treatment, doctors can't refuse but you and I foot the bill with higher fees. We pay one way or another. But I definitely oppose the Fed government involvement in any area beyond protecting us through the military and law enforcement.

  13. We fight other country's wars, so we may as well pay for everyone's healthcare in this country and in other countries. It's only money.


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