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Monday, April 24, 2017

Sessions: ‘Everyone that Enters the Country Unlawfully Is Subject to Being Deported’

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” when asked if people who were brought to the United States illegally as children dubbed DREAMers could “rest easy,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said “everyone that enters the country unlawfully is subject to being deported.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: The president said to the Associated Press that the dreamers should rest easy. He’s not going after the dreamers. That’s his policy. Is it the policy of the Justice Department?

Partial transcript as follows:


  1. They shouldn't "rest easy". If we catch you, we deport you. That should be the end of it. Sure, the focus needs to be on the criminal aliens, but if you are a non-criminal and get caught, well sorry about your luck! Next time don't advertise it on Facebook!

  2. And now American farmers are worried about Trump deporting their Mexican workers. A big part of the problem of illegal immigration is the Americans who employ the illegals over those immigrants who possess work permits or who went through the process to become legal Americans. They don't want to pay their illegal workers the minimum wage.


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