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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Retail Continues To Suffer As Sales Decline For Second Month In A Row

For the first time in nearly two years, retail sales declined two months in a row, highlighting once again the current challenges facing a retail industry that has suffered a number of bankruptcies and store closures so far in 2017.

Sales in March decreased 0.2% at U.S. stores, restaurants, and online retailers from their level in February, according to figures [PDF] released by the Commerce Department on Friday.

In all, the Bureau estimated advanced monthly sales of $470.8 billion for March, a decrease of about $1 billion from February’s sales of $471.8 billion.

The largest decrease in sales came in the auto retail sector, with dealers and parts companies lowering sales 1.2% from $96 billion in sales in February to $95 billion in March.

The food services and drinking places also saw a decrease of 0.2% (or about $300 million) from February to March.


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