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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Remember When Obama & Clinton Said...

...the Middle Eastern Refugees were mostly women and children?

Well, here's the ugly truth about that lie as well. My question is, why aren't these 'men' fighting for their countries' freedom from tyranny rather than running away like cowards?



  1. These numbers are not accurate and wholly misleading. Go to the original source. Not "Save the West's intentional misinterpretation of the data. Sheesh.

    1. Do you have the link to original source?

    2. If you look at the bottom of the graph it has the source as the United Nations and not 'Save the West. Save the West sourced it from the United Nations.

    3. You people can't expect 1230 to back up their mouths or be observant. Rabid liberals don't know anything but smear & slander even with proof right before their eyes. To be liberal is to be mute.

    4. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 16, 2017 at 7:07 PM

      12:30 you don't like those percentage numbers? Oh,well, in actuality those "refugee" males are about 80%. So, now are you gonna start hissy fit or cry-me a river like a "entitled" Liberai Snowflake? It's the work of the Communist Organizer Obama and Crooked Secretary Clinton. Those Snowflakes "demonstrating" in the streets and blaming Trump for everything, should be barking in front of mansions of Barack and Hillary, who got rich while screwing everyone else, on Taxpayers dime, of course.

  2. Actually they said they were widows and orphans that heartless Republicans had no sympathy for.

  3. Of course it was a lie. Both obama and clinton are nothing but liars. The only thing worse then them are the immoral disgusting wastes of oxygen that voted for them and yes if you are a democrat you are not a good person. Only filth votes democrat.

  4. Look at that right on cue 1230 chimes in it's gotta be fake cause of who did it. Just a bunch of hogwash. In all the countries these invasions have occurred, it's been mostly men and it has been widely reported. 1230 is one of those asshole liberals who'll lie, cheat and steal to make sure their points appear viable. Blow it out your butt.

  5. I've heard many of the children were men who lied about their ages. Deceptive assholes and idiots like 1230 crying its all wrong. What an idiot!

  6. There shouldn't be any men running away. They should stay and fight for their country. Morons.

  7. 1230 is a true genius, the link to the United Nations site where info came from is right on the graphic. Can you say idiot?

  8. As the failed fat one said "what difference does it make"
    One is too many!!!

  9. When a country is invaded by murderous people, it only makes sense to rid the country of the invaders not to depopulate the country of its native people.
    The refugee crisis is merely a plot to infiltrate Muslims unto the Western World. Thanks Democrats for planting the murderous seeds to destroy the Democratic West.
    You destroyed yourself in the process while placing Christians and families in harms way. Rot in Hell.

    1. 323 now THAT's what Obama & Clinton built!

  10. It's a Muslim Trojan horse. And the Dems are willing to throw away our nation for the muzzie vote.

  11. Truth means nothing to people them!!

  12. 3:23 Please explain that to a group of native american indians.

  13. Who is Allah? the Islamic god is called “The Greatest Deceiver” ( Qur’an 3:54 ) The Bible too also mentions the GREAT Deceiver… (Rev 19:20) And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he Deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. The ONE trait that is truthful about Allah is also congruent to the beast; also known as the Biblical Satan.


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