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Friday, April 14, 2017

Overpass considered for Rt. 589

A proposal to add a Lidl grocery store to the former Cropper Farm area, adjacent to the Berlin Wal-Mart, would necessitate adding the fourth leg to the intersection of Routes 50 and 589 but sparked a disagreement between the county and State Highway officials.

Ed Tudor, director of development review and permitting, said recent turnover at SHA led to the discrepancy.

At issue is the plan for the intersection, which the county wants to finish and connect to the existing service road to make way for the grocery store, or any other business that might end up taking the space.



  1. The more important one is 50 at 404....that's a bigger traffic tie up in both directions!

  2. Overpasses aren't cheap. Why not keep the existing configuration and extend the access road?

  3. Sixty foot road needs an overpass since slower DE and pittsville drivers can't cross 50 w/o getting in accidents.

  4. Just wait until Pittsville Ford moves to 50 and Friendship road along with the new sports complex opening on morris road.The intersection of 346 and friendship has been a smash zone too.


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