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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Officials want feds to help address Baltimore's aging water infrastructure

BALTIMORE —Seven jurisdictions in Maryland all get their water from Baltimore City, which on Monday joined counterparts across the country in making a plea for more help from the feds.

Baltimore City supplies water in some capacity to 1.8 million people. That's 32 percent of our state's population.

It all flows through Baltimore City's public system, which includes three water treatment plants, and 4,000 miles of water and sewer pipes.

"(These) are sort of out of sight out of mind. These are buried assets underground, water pipes as well as sewer pipes that's been there for decades and some of them are certainly reaching 100-plus years old," Department of Public Works Director Rudolph Chow said.



  1. no. its their problem let them pay for it

  2. Make DeRay take a pay cut.

  3. They are a sanctuary city. Let all the illegals they court fix it!

  4. Be a sanctuary City / Maryland will get no help. Thanks to Miller / Busch and the rest of the Baltimore / DC corridor Politians. Is that not correct Cardin / Van Holland and the rest of the Eastern Shore Politians that are supposed to be representing us?

  5. When things go bad at my home, I have no one to call on. I don't expect anyone to bail me out. I take care of my own.

  6. With the way the western shore renegade counties (Baltimore, Montgomery, Prince Georges) stole ALL the electoral votes from Trump - if I were the FEDS - I would tell Baltimore officials to go to _ _ ll.

    Trump should have garnered at least 7 of Maryland's 10 electoral votes.

  7. This is part of the City of Baltimores public responsibility. It has mismanaged and misappropriated funds if they cannot maintain their systems. The feds should not bail them out its part of what is wrong with this country. Sometimes you end up that creek without a paddle, you know, the creek those pipes carry.

  8. The whole place is a SEWER !!! Thus the bad water !!!!

  9. Flyover with a MOAB from a c130 to take care of it !


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