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Saturday, April 08, 2017

Ocean City Wooing Tall Ship For August Return

OCEAN CITY — Nearly three years after it sailed off and disappeared over the horizon, the 16th century Spanish Galleon replica El Galleon Andalucia could be returning to Ocean City late this summer.

During a budget work session on Thursday, Special Events Director Frank Miller told the Mayor and Council there had been cursory talks with the foundation that supports the El Galleon Andalucia about a possible return to the resort in August. The 170-foot, 500-ton tall ship replica visited Ocean City twice in recent years, arriving for the first time in August 2013 and returning the same month the following year and Miller said the majestic vessel could make a return trip this summer.

“We’ve had conversations with the foundation that brought us the Spanish galleon back in 2013 and 2014,” he said. “They are interested in coming back this August. We are going to start communicating with them to see if that’s a possibility.”


1 comment:

  1. Only one problem! They draw to much water and couldn't get through the inlet now if their lives depended on it Joe!


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