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Monday, April 24, 2017

Obama heads to Chicago to agitate against Trump

Steel yourselves. Barack Obama’s about to emerge from the shadows — and first stop, University of Chicago.

Why there? No doubt, it’s one of the more receptive breeding grounds for his particular brand of activism — the activism he’ll be touting to malleable student-age minds while engaging in, as his people called it, a “conversation about community organizing and civic engagement.”

Make no mistake about it. This is about teaching the upcoming generation, loud as it already is about all topics that offend, to get even louder, even Leftist Prouder, and to — here’s the gist — use that Leftist Loud and Proud persona to tackle the problem of President Donald Trump.

This will all be couched in polite-sounding language, of course.



  1. still up to his dividing ways, he is determined to bring this country to its knees!

  2. Every news channel has him on,so I'm watching Mecum car auction.

  3. Lets all hope he gets a nice Lead souvenir from Chicago.

  4. Notice where the power outages were this past weekend? Four of the most liberal cities in the nation. Even our enemies despise liberal ways.


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