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Saturday, April 22, 2017

NYT Op-Ed Slams Transgender Propaganda: Let Tomboys Remain Girls

A New York Times op-ed hit the transgender ideology for being anti-girl and anti-woman, and also prompted many liberal commentators to complain about the harmful impact of pro-transgender advocacy on normal girls and boys.

The comments made by the New York Times‘ readers show emerging hostility among liberal women to the demands by gay and transgender activists that testosterone treatments and sex-change surgery be given to young girls who show typically boyish behavior and attitudes, such as avoiding dresses and long hair, or preferring contact sports or playfighting.

The April 18 article, titled “My Daughter Is Not Transgender. She’s a Tomboy,” was written by a liberal mother who supports legal rights for people who want to live as members of the opposite sex, but who also insists that girls who act like boys can still be girls:

My daughter wears track pants and T-shirts. She has shaggy short hair (the look she requested from the hairdresser was “Luke Skywalker in Episode IV”). Most, but not all, of her friends are boys. She is sporty and strong, incredibly sweet, and a girl.

And yet she is asked by the pediatrician, by her teachers, by people who have known her for many years, if she feels like, or wants to be called, or wants to be, a boy…

While celebrating the diversity of sexual and gender identities, we also need to celebrate tomboys and other girls who fall outside the narrow confines of gender roles. Don’t tell them that they’re not girls.



  1. Yup, at 50+ I still do not wear makeup. I was a Tom boy, still am. I would rather be with nature than in a party dress. But I am not gay, at all.

    I never cared what people thought, still don't. But back in my day we were, tomboys, and no one thought or tried to classify us as gay. Thats a new thing.

  2. This is so stupid. I, too, was a tomboy. Still like to wear jeans and t-shirts and work outside. Never desired to be a boy. And no one thought of us tomboys as gay. This is the result of liberal propaganda favoring a small minority to gain their money and votes. And this is what they are teaching your kids in public schools.


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