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Saturday, April 22, 2017

North Korea Nukes San Francisco in Propaganda Video…

A series of North Korean nuclear weapons destroys San Francisco in the “Hermit Kingdom’s” latest propaganda film, which was created for the grand finale of celebrations commemorating founder Kim Il Sung’s 105th birthday last weekend.

According to video of the event, which was acquired by the San Francisco Chronicle,music was played by a military symphony in the background as an audience of men in dull-brown uniforms and other military attire cheered on the massive explosion and ensuing destruction of the city. Following the explosion, the American flag can be seen waving over a military cemetery.

The Chronicle reports that the concert was part of the “Day of the Sun” festivities honoring the late Kim. San Francisco was reportedly wiped out in about 15 seconds.



  1. NK San francisco lol PLEASEEEEEEEE.

  2. allot of liberals there, Transgenders, gays, and freaks of all sorts.....might be a good idea

  3. I think it's a great idea.

  4. Nukes San Francisco? Since when is North Korea on our side?

  5. I am anti-liberal and find genocide jokes horrible. They may think wrong but they're still made in the image of God.

  6. Yes 1:57 people that are different should be wiped from the earth.

  7. To bob pinto....I guarantee Bruce Jenner is NOT made in the image of God.

  8. scary thought that a country equivalent to the YUGO could ignite the very first nuclear war.

    Hard to grasp a slip up like that could ruin it for so many.


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