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Thursday, April 06, 2017

New Showell Elementary Design Results In Price Savings

BERLIN – As plans for a new Showell Elementary School continue to move forward, county leaders this week praised the school system’s efforts to cut costs.

School system officials presented the Worcester County Commissioners with the schematic design for the new Showell Elementary School on Tuesday. Joe Price, the school system’s facilities planner, said changes to the design have resulted in $1.2 million in projected cost savings.

“It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we’re working together,” Commissioner Chip Bertino said.

The replacement of 40-year-old Showell Elementary School has been a cause of contention between county and education officials in recent years. County leaders balked at the project’s $54 million price tag in 2015, later agreeing to approve it as long as it cost less than $37 million. The project again hit a standstill last fall when education officials presented plans for a $46 million school.



  1. $40 million for an Elementary School and they are patting themselves on the back????????????????????

  2. That area will never grow enough to warrant a school of that cost.

  3. At least they were willing to change the design to save money. That is more than Wicomico County done. They just wanted to be impressive / the best just to show off and not to benefit the students.

  4. A million dollars a year to have ONE school. Then tear it down again.

    We all replace our houses every 40 years, right?


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