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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Montgomery Co. passes healthy vending machine measure

WASHINGTON — The Montgomery County Council unanimously voted Tuesday on a measure that would require all vending machines on county property to offer healthy snacks and beverages alongside the regular fare.

Under the measure, 50 percent of the items for sale in county vending machines will have to meet American Heart Association nutrition standards for sugar, salt, fat and other measures over the next two years.

After that, the healthful content would be required to reach 65 percent. In addition, every vending machine that dispenses beverages would be required to offer bottled water.

“Studies have shown that children who drink one or more sugary beverages a day are 60 percent more likely to become obese,” said Shawn McIntosh, executive director of Sugar Free Kids Maryland, an advocacy group that lobbies for healthy vending machine laws.



  1. Wow - the morbidly obese Eastern Shore needs to follow suit!!!

  2. Can't we decide for ourselves?

  3. MO county libtard idiot central.

  4. We gots a Krispy Kreme.....


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