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Monday, April 24, 2017

Molly, ME, ME, ME!!! Earth Day Made Many Want To Puke

Between Liberal parents forcing their children to wear stupid hats or carry signs to pass on their agendas, guest speakers had the crowd very ticked off as they spoke about me, me, me, I, I, I! 

People came there to support Earth Day, not listen to a bunch of a-holes, (like Molly) speak about how great they are. They wanted to hear about Earth Day topics and instead were subjected to  jackasses like Molly talk about their college background, jobs and lifestyle choices. 

Me personally, I walked away and left the event after wanting to puke. I care about my earth but quite frankly I could give a crap about you liberal jackasses and your backgrounds. 

I'll bet you won't hear about this anywhere else in your local media! The event sucked. They spent 90% of their time talking about themselves and 10% of their time marching for the cause. Typical Liberal Event in Ocean City and very poorly attended, especially if you take away the children forced to be there. 


  1. Molly spoke about how great SHE is. Molly Likovich is a LIAR and if her family especially that nasty dirty thing that spawned her and thinks it's a real mother and her friends had an ounce of class they would drag her away and lock her up somewhere because all the LIAR is doing is making a fool out of herself and her family. Not that they would realize it because they are as crude and vulgar and as nasty as they can be. With that in mind I say keep it up. They are too stupid to realize they are being tools for the RIGHT. They are WHY Clinton lost. Most people whether dem or Republican know rank lying skanks and want no part of it. So keep it up LOSER LIAR Molly you are only helping a good cause-The GOP.

  2. What a waste! The earth is not going to exist forever. It will be destroyed by fire, but not caused by humans. Either an asteroid or meteor strike or our dying star, the sun, will cause destruction of the earth.

  3. New Age religion is where this earth worship comes from. Nothing they do will save the earth. It is doomed to be destroyed by fire. Not by humans, but by a meteor or asteroid strike or the closest dying star, our sun. Predicted by the Bible and scientists. They are wasting their time.

  4. Hey, it's only one day a year, and at least they clean up after themselves (and probably lots of others.)

  5. I was their but we had no idea she and her fake news people were going to be. I've been going to earth day events for a long time and will never attend anything again without researching it first. I asked a few people about their signs and got CNN talking points. I felt sorry for the few kids involved. We left after 15 minutes. FYI people be very careful asking anyone holding a liberal sign what does it mean they become very angry. It was weird. Hats were made in Palestine. Again this was a weird deal.

  6. Everyday should be earth day AND OC needs to think in those terms. Sure don't want to see the overflowing of beach receptacles (with the pretty painting on them this year) happen in June AGAIN...or the dumpsters pushed up to the end of the streets lining the boardwalk overflowing AGAIN. I remember a councilMAN saying something along the lines that we don't have enough to handle the trash flow.

    WHAT???? That little 411 in the pinky finger is MORE justification than the so called NEED to build a retaining wall to keep the drunks from crossing outside the crosswalks to get to Seacrets! OR across 94th street corridor (Lombardi's, Bull on the Beach, Kirby's, Liquid Assets)...OR across the 116th-120th corridor's (Green Turtle, Bourbon Street Café/ocean side, Carousel)....

    Oh the Humanity!

  7. OC has time and energy to ban smoking & vaping on beach but not for liter patrol. Priorities are about legislating behavior and nothing to do with preserving the Earth. Such a pile of BS!

  8. Just another soulless Democrat cry in. If there were any scientists there they are driven by politics and not science which makes them not a scientist at all but a propagandist.

  9. While I admire her tenacity,this girl annoys me.Typical upper class WASP-y liberal do-gooder is what she is.How can she even begin to understand "racism" with her upbringing? I'm guessing until she started school,the only black people she knew was on television!

  10. Liberalism is a MENTAL disorder.


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