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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Mexican Wife And Mother Of U.S. Citizens Won’t Be Deported By ICE

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — She married an American citizen and her children are citizens. But Veronica Castro was ordered to an immigration hearing not knowing if she would be able to stay, or be sent back to Mexico.

Alex DeMetrick reports, what were once routine hearings don’t feel routing anymore.

Outside the federal building in Baltimore, supporters of Veronica Castro gathered for her appearance at a hearing by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE for short.

“My husband and children are all U.S. citizens,” Castro said via a translator. But she is not. Her husband, an Army veteran left disabled by his service, and her four children, depend on her.



  1. Glad they're going after people like this instead of the gang bangers and so called "bad hombres"

  2. But no where does it say she is an illegal immigrant. By her marriage to a US citizen she is automatically eligible to stay in the US and become a US citizen herself.

  3. This story is so "important" the Annapolis Capital Gazette made it story #1 on their daily email 2 days in a row. It sounds like there are at least 4 disabled individuals in this family of 6.

  4. 8:38 she would need to apply for it. She probably outstayed her original visa or is not a clear cut legal resident of the US

  5. At least they are being looked at, If she is a citizen than she needs a SS number so she can pay taxes like the rest of us.

  6. Why, if she has been here so long, has she not applied for citizenship?
    Being married to a US citizen does not make her a citizen.

  7. Lots of Why's here. Sometimes STUPID cannot be FIXED and we must move on.

  8. How did she marry him without providing documents that she was here LEGALLY? This will just cause thousands and thousands of illegals to find them an American and marry him. She had plenty of time to become a citizen. I believe that she did not want to be an American. You have to give up your citizenship in your home country to do so. Plus how has she been paying taxes without a Social Security card? My bet is she owes taxes.


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