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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Meet the New Surgeon General

Yes, President Trump is most definitely a racist and sexist as the Democrats and liberal media would have you believe. After firing Obama holdover, he went and hired this white male.... ah. Scratch that.

President Trump continues to not cooperate with the liberals' narratives about how dangerous and polarizing he is as a public figure. You'd think people would catch on, but some will continue to wallow in the false narrative even beyond the point where they look ridiculous.

Rear Adm. Sylvia Trent-Adams, one of the first nurses to serve as Surgeon General. Now, the media is going postal that she's a nurse but then again, they can't rely on the whole white male racist/sexist continuum. 


  1. She's INTERIM Surgeon general. Still awesome! But just filling the position vacated by Obama's puck until Trump selects his Surgeon General.

  2. You mean to replace the Obama appointee who was fired by Trump's Administration. Whatever. Glad to see it's challenging the liberal lies.

  3. And liberals immediately attack this fine black woman.

  4. As Bill would say: Hot chocolate!

    1. Maybe Bill can see if she's single and looking. Condy might be a suitable woman for him. He should check her out too.

    2. Looks like she is married. Bill will have to check out Condoleeza. She's hot chocolate.

  5. Liberal Democrats are the party of women as long as the women aren't Republicans. If a Republican woman runs for office, or is appointed by a Republican for office, then she is the enemy of the Democrats. And the racist, misogynist, hypocritical Democrats try to paint the Republicans as anti-women. Just wait until Trump nominates a woman for the next SCOTUS opening. The democrats are going to attack her like she is the daughter of the devil himself. They will paint her as evil, and not worthy to sit on the bench. Democrat politicians and their supporters, are a danger to this country, the constitution, and the very groups that they claim to represent.

  6. The fact that Trump replaced a Democrat holdover (resigned/quit the position) that advocated back door gun control through application of medical standards, and replaced him with a black woman, has Democrats seething. They are loathe to try and come up with a reason to oppose her.


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