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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Maxine Waters: If We Impeach Trump, He Can’t Build The Wall

Tuesday evening in Los Angeles at the Westchester-Playa Democratic Club, while discussing President Donald Trump’s budget, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said she hoped Trump is impeached so he cannot build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Waters said, “We are in church you all. We have got to do what God would have us do. And I believe we are the kind of people that would do that. So I’m hoping and praying the wall will never be built and if we impeach him we know it is not going to get built.”



  1. She couldn't name ONE impeachment charge on live tv when asked. She just repeated talking points over and over. I think they are full of hot air.

  2. I wish this nonsense would stop. The majority voted him in. Leave it along!!!

  3. I don't know if they're full of hot air, but they are definitely full of sh**.

  4. Impeach Maxine! Then we don't have to listen to her foolish drivel.

  5. Max IF U Impeach Trump u will have a Civil War ..and i say BRING IT.

  6. Liberalism is a MENTAL disease and am thinking it may be syphiletic in the way it destroys the brain.


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