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Monday, April 24, 2017

Lawmaker continues push to end child marriages in Md.

WASHINGTON — Child marriages in Maryland are still legal, after a bill to stop them failed again. But a lawmaker has vowed to continue her fight to end child marriages in Maryland.

“I’ve heard so many stories that have brought me to tears,” said Maryland Del. Vanessa Atterbeary, D-Howard County.

Atterbeary has introduced child marriage bills in the Maryland legislature. But for the second year in a row, her bill to end child marriages in Maryland has failed. Atterbeary said she planned to introduce another bill next year to raise the marriage age in Maryland.

“I’m really hoping Maryland next year can do the right thing,” she said.



  1. This is beyond wrong

    1. The good ole boys on da shore Love It.

  2. Born here many years ago and did not realize this. Why would a bill like this fail, maybe lawmakers are afraid animals will be taken out of the play next if this passed.

  3. Maryland.Where men are men and sheep are nervous.

  4. What kind of parent gives consent to a 25 year old who knocked up a 15 year old daughter?! Hell to the no. Serve your time for statutory rape.

  5. Gotta love Maryland. You can legally marry your 15 year old first cousin in Maryland. West Virginia has nothing on Maryland when it comes to hillbilly marriage laws.


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