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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Laura Ingraham Blasts 'Pathetic' GOP for Not Backing Trump on Wall

Radio talk-show host Laura Ingraham Tuesday ripped "pathetic" Republicans for not working to help President Donald Trump deliver on his promise to build a wall on the southern U.S. border to stop illegal immigration.

Ingraham took to Twitter:
Trump's promised the wall umpteen times. I heard months ago that Repub leadership never intended to help deliver on it. Pathetic.

Trump vowed Tuesday that "the wall is going to get built, folks" amid reports that the president was softening his stance as Congress develops a spending plan that would keep the federal government from shutting down on Friday.



  1. We The People put the president in office to do the job we wanted and idiot's of his own party won't back what we want. We have to clean out the trash that goes to work for us and ends up doing only for themselves. I don't expect Mexico or the POTUS to pay out of their pocket. The wall can be easily paid for with the savings that are not put out for illegals when they arrive. I have, still and always will support President Donald J. Trump. He is attempting to do what we wanted. Thank you sir.

  2. Get on board GOP'ers...if not you WILL be left at the dock! Psst - elections are right around the corner....HELLO?????

  3. Worse than pathetic Laura. They're so disgusting. Wish we could get rid of them & their rino ways.

  4. 11:57. Amen! Agree 100 %. We're so sick of our party NOT supporting our chosen leader.

  5. Mexico WILL be Paying for the Wall..... Don't Worry
    Taxing All the Booze that comes in here WILL pay for it
    in a YEAR (as was stated on news before) with Plenty
    LEFT OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mexico won't just stop sending us their Booze !!! Not
    They NEED US .....we Don't need them .....FACT


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