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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Just ONE Diet Coke or Pepsi Max a day can 'TRIPLE the risk of a deadly stroke' and dementia, researchers claim

JUST one diet drink a day can triple the risk of a deadly stroke, a study suggests.

The researchers also found links to dementia described as a “worrying association” by experts.

But the findings were dismissed by some British authorities, while others have called for more investigation.

The US study found those who drank a can of artificially-sweetened pop — such as Diet Coke or Pepsi Max — daily were at three times the risk of suffering the most common form of stroke compared to non-drinkers.

They were also 2.9 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s. But after accounting for all lifestyle factors, the researchers found the link to dementia was statistically insignificant.



  1. I don't believe that what I don?'t know who? Maybe

  2. This is exactly why I drink BEER!!! Keeps my blood flowing (no need for thinners) and keeps my kidneys flowing (water content) and lifts my spirits!!! I'm always in a good mood after the first six....BEER it does a body GOOD!

  3. Any diet soda gives me a horrible headache.

  4. Water is the best diet drink around and has been for millions of years.

  5. Just another in a long line of junk science reports.

  6. I know a diabetic man who has had about 6 diet Pepsi everyday for over 50 years. He is 85 and still going with no heart attack or stroke. Never saw him drink a glass of water.

  7. Doesn't say every person, but rather a 3 times more likely than a non diet soda drinker. Funny how you think you will win the powerball but not cut your odds of dying by making better lifestyle choices.

  8. Lets all send Hillary Clinton a few free cases!


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