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Monday, April 24, 2017

Israeli Youth Group Holds Barbecue in Front of Hunger Strike Prison

The National Union party youth organization decided to celebrate the hunger strike of imprisoned Fatah terrorists with a barbecue in front of Ofer Prison, where among others the leaders of the terrorist protest are incarcerated.

In practice, passersby will be able to enjoy finely grilled meats while salivating, hunger-striking murderers and attempted-murderers enjoy the wafting aromatic smoke of the barbecue and will have no choice but to inhale the enticing smells of the skilfully spiced meats roasting and spattering on the open fire.

"The time has come to stop listening to the hunger strikers and show them that we are not giving in to their whims," ​​said Ophir Sofer, secretary-general of the National Union party. The party's youth will treat passersby with meat and make sure that the terrorists savor the aroma of the meat on the fire.

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