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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Is O'Reilly Going Off Fox?

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly announced Tuesday he's taking a long-planned vacation, but New York magazine's Gabriel Sherman reportedthere's speculation the embattled star may be gone for good.

According to Sherman, O'Reilly's decision to go off the air amid a reported sex harassment scandal and advertiser boycott "has the appearance of a suspension."

O'Reilly gave no hint of that on his top-rated show, "The O'Reilly Factor."

"Around this time of year, grab some vacation because it's spring and Easter time," he said in his "Tip of the Day" segment Tuesday night. "Last fall I booked a trip that should be terrific, not going to tell you where it is, but we have a contest on billoreilly.com… I'll have a full report when I return."



  1. Another hit job. It has been a nice ride Bill.

  2. He ain't nothin but a hound dog.

  3. The writer more than likely wears a pussy cap. I could care less because too much of his show has Krauthammer and fat Rove, along with Juan and other liberals. But, it is my humble opinion that this is bull, we will wait and see.

  4. We can only hope they boot that predator. How amazing that the same man who is constantly preaching family values is also sexually assaulting countless women. So typical.

  5. I won't miss him. there are 2 programs on Fox I DON'T watch: his and Hannity. They think too much of themselves and don't allow their guests to express their opinions unless he agrees with them. Fair and balanced my ass.
    And why the heck is Dennis Miller on there? What does he add to the show.
    O'Reilly and Hannity are 2 self-aggrandizing bloviaters that Fox does not need.
    I'm very conservative but cannot stand propaganda, no matter who generates it.

  6. Bad news for Fox if they let him go. Highest rated show on Fox News. I'm sure RT will pick him up.

  7. We can only hope so. Perino is much nicer to watch than Bill.

  8. It's a long planned vacation at the Vatican during Easter. Wish I could do that.

    Bill will be back.

  9. Word of the day.... "return". He will be back, most worker take a vacation. They may not want to return, but do.

  10. 11:52 Hopefully all his sins will be forgiven by the Pope.


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