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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Illegal alien posts viral selfie of herself paying taxes, then people notice something wrong with her tax form

Last week I brought you the story of a ‘Dreamer’ trying to make YOU feel bad about being an American upset about illegal immigration.

Arizona State University junior, 23, Belen Sisa was born in Argentina, but came to the United States on a ‘family trip’ at 6 yrs-old. Belen is a ‘dreamer’ – her parents ILLEGALLY overstayed their visa after visiting the US from Argentina when she was still a youngster – that protects her from deportation by President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Okay, she nearly grew up in the United States, so she gets to stay. But based on her snotty condescending posts on social media designed to slap the hands of taxpayers in America, she couldn’t have made herself appear further from a good cultured American.

She posted a picture of her 1040 claiming that she indeed paid $300 (I wish I had HER taxes to pay) in an attempt to teach Americans ‘What you’ve known all this time isn’t the truth.’ As a ‘Dreamer’, she is allowed to live, study and work in the US free from the threat of deportation for a specific renewable period of time, despite not holding a visa or green card. She feels misunderstood and mistreated as an undocumented immigrant (which she technically isn’t undocumented, she speaks for ‘dreamers’, not all illegals).

But being braggadocious about the fact that she allegedly paid $300 in taxes to the state of Arizona has turned against her. After she posted a selfie as “proof” of her contribution people started to investigate it…



  1. Some young woman needs a visit from the IRS.

  2. HAHA, it's blank. (map)

  3. Sorry, I took a better look. It's not blank.(map)

    1. Its a federal form and it is Blank. She didn't fill anything out but is claiming she just filed it even thou it's the wrong form. The 300 she claims is not listed because she is lying.

  4. Two words for her, Go Home!

  5. She's about as fake as a three dollar bill

  6. She holds up a federal form and says I pay 300 in state taxes. The federal isn't filled out and 300 dollars is a joke. She has a nicer car then me, more expensive clothes, expensive makeup and expensive hair and iPhone but ONLY has to pay 300.00 (fake) in taxes? Car insurance car payment maintenance on vehicle. She obviously takes a shower and is eating... Needs to be deported and get off OUR free ride.

  7. $300? i pay more than that a month in fed tax alone

  8. She was a comunity communication organizer for a Presedintal Candidate BERNIE SANDERS in 2016. Yes Fake Bernie the 1% pays only 13 percent in taxes had illegals working for his campaign that pay ZERO in taxes and lie about it... she also complained about President Trumps taxes even though she is holding up a blank federal form claiming to paid 300 in state taxes... PLEASE DEPORT her...

  9. They take from the tax payer and don't pay anything back, We have a onesided relationship with illegals

  10. She claims to be a citizen but she is illegal, can't be both. She claims to be undocumented but is filing taxes (hoax) that would make her documented. She claims she cannot get student aid, not true... she isn't happy here, why stay?

  11. Her mommy and daddy are rich Argentinians.

  12. Is she married?
    Well a guy can "dream", eh????????

    Plus she has a car! (~rimshot!~)

  13. This is the kind of person who sees a refrigerator and assumes that there's free food inside.


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